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The Concept

We are proud to announce that the South European Regional Meeting of IFSA for 2018 will take place from 20th to 28th April in Portugal, and in particular the Forestry Portuguese Student's Association, was given the chance to host the event. Portugal is knowed for having several types of multifunctional systems of forests, so we want to present our hosts the manangement that is made in Portugal. 

As you may know, after so many years unreachable, APEF has recently rejoined the IFSA family. We believe being the next SERM hosts is a good way to update your knowledge about our country and to show you some of the roots of IFSA. Also, our Association will be commemorating it’s 30th anniversary next year, and we’d like to commemorate it with you!
The main goal of the meeting is to show the beauty of our country forests at the same time that we give the opportunite to host some IFSA official events. 
In order to present to you some of these forestry treasures we will take you on a one-week trip through different climate areas, from one fairy tale forest to another. You are going to enter a long forgotten world of old beech, spruce, chestnut and plane forests.

The Portuguese Forest

The Portuguese forest is very diverse. In the mountainous north of Portugal, till almost Tejo river (in english, Tagus river) the forest is very closed with a lot of different Quercus species, Castanea sativa, and other characteristic species of the Atlantic climate. In this part of the country we also have plantations of Castanea sativa (1% - more in the interior north) that we use to obtain the fruit and wood, plantations of Eucaliptus globulus (26% - more in the interior center) used to obtain their pulp to produce paper and plantations of Pinus pinaster (23% - coastal zones) used to obtain wood and resin.
Bellow Tejo river, the landscape changes completely to rolling plains, where the most used management system is Montado. Montado is an agro-silvo-shepherd system, where we have really low densities of our famous Quercus suber (23% - Cork Oak). These three components are blended together to give us cork, pastures to the animals, and animal products. Sometimes we can also see in this kind of system, Quercus ilex (11% - Holm Oak), so we can feed the pigs with its acorn.
Further South we find Algarve, where we produce mostly carob from Ceratonia siliqua (Carob Tree), that is used to feed animals, in cosmetic products or to be used as a chocolate substitute.
We have other species that can be found almost everywhere that we also take advantage, that is the case of Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree), used mostly to produce liquor, or to eat fresh. Rubus fruticosus (Wild berries) is another understory specie that we use, to eat fresh or to make jam for the winter.


APEF - Portuguese Association of Forest Students - was created in 1988 and represents at the national level the Forest Engineering course.
Located in the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), School of Agriculture, this is dedicated to fostering the development of relationships with companies and institutions in the forestry sector; improvement of academic, extracurricular life; supports in the search for the first job/internship; establishes contacts with forest organizations of forestry students from other countries. Within these areas also organizes various events such as debates, conferences, courses, and trips that contribute to a better training of its members. At the social level, it performs barbecues that attract not only students but also staff of the Institute, promoting a more informal environment for a better connection between the academic community.

The IFSA family

The International Forestry Students' Association is a non political, non religious and not for profit organization that brings together forestry students from all over the world in a wide spectrum of activities. Its vision, is to work for global cooperation among students of forest sciences in order to broaden knowledge and understanding.
SERM is the Southern European Regional Meeting for forestry students from LCs (Local Committees) from this area. It is hosted by a different LC each year and welcomes around 50 students. During such an event, forestry students gather to get acquainted with the forestry management practices in the hosting country and also to collect experience and contacts both between themselves and with representatives from international forestry organizations.
Every year, two Regional Representatives are chosen, to help coordinate the IFSA events for the region. For 2017/2018, the RRs are Damiano Cilio from Italy and Lio Ba from Switzerland. Without their help and guidance, this event would not be on such a level.

About the meeting 


APEF IFSA Portugal

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© 2018 by Filipa Filipe from APEF 

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