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Know a bit more about the tour you can make...

Instituto Superior de Agronomia - University of Lisbon in Tapada da Ajuda

Before being the headquarters of our college, Tapada da Ajuda, like the name says, was a park where the king Dom João IV and his nobleman went to hunt or to spend some of their free time. Today it is a 100-hectare beautiful botanical park (and our campus) where you can see the climax species of the site, gardens, vineyards and crops, blended with centuries-old architectural heritage from the time of the king. 

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Lisbon, capitol of Portugal

Lisbon is the warmful capital of Portugal, where a lot of different cultures have passed among different times, but still conserves the feeling of a big neighborhood. With a strong historical line among the seven hills, Lisbon is rich in a architecture, traditional, gastronomy, musical and culture way. Along with the city we have beautiful view for the river which give us a charm site. “This is also a city of enchanting contrasts: The elegant squares, broad avenues, monumental buildings and rectangular layout of the lower areas quickly gives way to the hilly, narrow, winding, unpredictable and cramped streets of districts such as Alfama and Bairro Alto. The elegant dining rooms and smart rooftop bars of expensive hotels seems like a different world compared to the excellent restaurants disguised behind an inconspicuous façade in a modest Bairro Alto street. Quality patisseries and restaurants thrive side by side with late night bars and noisy discos. The old, tiny squeaky trams (one of the city's trademarks) are no less of a contrast to the efficient metro network.” 

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Mata Nacional de Leiria

King’s Pinewood, royal pinewood or simply Pinewood of Leiria are just few names of this 11.080 hectare and 700 years forest. It’s roots go back to the time of King Dom Afonso III (or maybe his brother Dom Sancho II, we will never know) that ordered to plant Pines here to stop the progress of the sands to crops and villages. This wood was used to build the ships for the Portuguese Discoveries between XV and XVI centuries. Nowadays it is state property and it managed to produce good quality Pinus pinaster wood.


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serQ - Forest Innovation and Competence Center

SERQ's strategic objective is to promote the competitiveness of the agro-forestry sector by improving the quality of raw materials (eg wood), developing new products and solutions (eg tradable goods and services), contributing to sector. SERQ's operations cover the entire value chain from production to the placing of the forest-based product on the market.

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Convento de Mafra

Let’s go back to the XVIII Century, when a king (Dom João V) promised to build a convent to 13 friars, if he had a son. Since promises are to be kept, the king built a convent with 40.000 m2 and everything set for 300 friars. Next to it, it also built a non permanent residence, filled with luxurious paintings and sculptures from the best masters from Portugal, Italy and France. It also makes part of this palace, two gardens (one of them is nowadays a headquarter and training center of our army) and a wildlife park, that we will talk next.


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Tapada Nacional de Mafra

National Park of Mafra is the hunting reserve built to serve Mafra Palace. Currently is also used as a place to conserve and study wildlife species, where anyone can visit to see boars (Sus scrofa), foxes (Vulpes vulpes), red deers (Cervus elaphus), fallow deer (Cervus dama - Dama dama) and many other species.


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Natural Park Sintra-Cascais

Natural park of Sintra cascais with 69871,3 hectares is a park where land and water environments merge in Sintra Mountain, creating an unique wheater. The south side, near Cascais is known by sun, wind, dunes and some floral endemic species like Armeria pseudarmeria, Dianthus cintranus cintranus and Coyncia cintrana. On the opposite side, we have an environment characterized by fog, humidity, chill temperatures and exuberant greens everywhere,blended with architectural heritage, bringing out the feeling of Sintra village magic. Sintra Mountain is known to be inhabited since the beginning of mankind because of the popular belief that is connected with the moon. It is also commonly believed that Saint Graal is buried in there, somewhere.


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Parque e Palácio da Pena

There was once an Austrian consort King, that fell in love with Sintra and decided to build a Palace with his romantic view of life. This king was Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and the Palace was Palácio da Pena placed in the top of Serra de Sintra. Splashed with a lot of iniciatic symbols and symbolism, and with a secret way to become a Graal knight, this park and palace are one of the most eccentric constructions in Portugal. The garden was planted with exotic species from all over the world, creating a very mystical and magical environment.


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Herdade da Gâmbia

Herdade da Gâmbia is an homestead situated near Sado river, that since 1917 explores and produces agro-silvo-shepherd products, like wine, cork oak, pinion, and cheese from Azeitão. With this, we think that this area it’s one example of the many systems that we have in Portugal where the three systems, agronomy, forestry and shepherd combines into one and make us have a sustainable system with many advantages not only for us but for the environment. Since it is situated inside the Natural Reserve of Sado river, a river that has a lot of migrant birds, people are invited to go and do birdwatching.

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Herdade de Espirra and “Raíz” Investigation Center

“Owned by The Navigator Company, with more than three decades of experience in the production of superior quality plants. These are intended for the afforestation of the areas managed by the Company and for supplying the market in general. We are the world's largest producer of clonal plants of Eucalyptus globulus with the highest certification category, "Tested". We sell more than 30 different forest plants, 130 ornamental and shrub species, as well as different varieties of olive trees”. “Raíz”, (in english “Roots”) is a research center financed by The Navigator Company committed to develop.

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Cascais is a small fishing town near Lisbon, where kings used to go to spend their summer days. Characterized by small houses and an extensive beach line, today is a touristic village where people go to relax and have long sunbathes or to

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