Meet The Team! (Part Four)
Hello everybody, Today we bring you the fourth element of this team. Are you excited to know her? When asked about the favourite tree, she strongly says it's the Araucaria heterophylla, also known as Norfolk Pine due it's beautiful form and size. And if we think a bit about it, it makes sense. Just like this tree only started getting expression in Portugal recently (20 years max), so did she in the portuguese forestry. Regarding forests, she likes to think of them being a place where life flourishes, as a place where still existes some reminiscence of the time where humans lived with and respected nature. So what she likes the most in forests is the fact that it's a getaway from a world that's more urbanized as time passes. She's the youngest, and one of the most organized people in the team. It's time for you to meet the finances person. Her name's Rita Aranha!