Message From SERM 2017
Hello everyone!
As you may or may not know, the Southern European Regional Meeting is an annual event. Due to that we got in touch with de SERM'17 organizing team and made a few questions and after reading their answers, we're sure you'll desire to be a part of this event. Here's their message of why you SHOULD definitely be a part of SERM'18 and the testimony.

Q.: Did you enjoy being part of SERM’17?
A.: "We very much did. For us it was both fun and educational for the whole process of organizing. And of course great memories from it. It even brought us closer as friends, which is great."
Q.: What were the main obstacles & challenges you had in organizing SERM’17?
A.: "It was time management. Distributing the tasks in their corresponding times. Since everyone has things to do, universities to attend, jobs to work at. But all in all, we found the balance without issues."
Q.: Looking back what would you improve or do differently?
A.: "Not sure we would do something differently – we are happy with the result and the process of organizing it. Maybe we would improve on the amount of work people had to do. Personally we needed a bit larger team of people, not just three/four of us. But keep in mind – the bigger the team, the more chaotic it could be. Have enough people, but quality people. So give the proper tasks to the proper people, so they can do it and not struggle. And of course, the coordinator as such, should keep track of these things and make sure people are comfortable in their tasks and feel ok with doing them."
Q.: Of the things you have proposed to do, were you able to do all of them or not? Why? A.: "We are very proud of the fact, that since the first ideas 6 months before the event, we managed to stick to them and find a way to make all of them – rafting, sleepovers, hikes, workshops, etc. At some times we weren’t 100% sure it would work, but at the end we put our minds to it and found ways to reach those ideas."
Q.: What do you think that people took from SERM’17?
A.: "We are not sure what people took – maybe we are sure for the smiles and good memories. But for the rest, we hope that people took an example of how people should work together with effort despite the challenges, and that with enough motivation and passion, things can work out great."
Q.: What’s your opinion on the importance of an event like SERM?
A.: "An event such as this is important, since it is the way to bring people together. To mix cultures, give opportunities for people to expand their vision and knowledge about not just forestry, but the world and the people around it. And of course – create great friends around an awesome idea and passion."
Q.: From one organizing team to another, what would you say/recommend/advice?
A.: "Our advice to you would be – do things for fun, do them with passion and do them with concentration. There will be hard times, but don’t let them give the overall atmosphere for work – when they come, gather as a team, discuss as friends and as colleagues, and find a solution to the problems. And also – think ahead of things. There will always be things that show up unplanned and more, so try to put yourselves in the potential situations that you plan for the future, and improvise what things might happen – good and bad. Then you will be ready for surprises.
But in general – have fun and enjoy yourselves. It’s a voluntary thing which we decide to do in our free time, so don’t forget that. Its not a job, its an idea to bring people together."
What else can we say? Are you sure you'll pass this magnificient event?! A big thanks to SERM'17 team for their support and help. You may rest assured we'll continue elevating the SERM!
Best Regards, SERM PT 2018 team